Chakra Healing Altar & Meditation Kit - 7 Chakra Sets: Engraved Symbol – The Healing Touch Shoppe
Chakra Healing Altar & Meditation Kit - 7 Chakra Sets: Engraved Symbols Stones, Healing Cards, Essential Oil Blends, Scented Candles, Selenite Crystal
Chakra Healing Altar & Meditation Kit - 7 Chakra Sets: Engraved Symbols Stones, Healing Cards, Essential Oil Blends, Scented Candles, Selenite Crystal
Chakra Healing Altar & Meditation Kit - 7 Chakra Sets: Engraved Symbols Stones, Healing Cards, Essential Oil Blends, Scented Candles, Selenite Crystal
Chakra Healing Altar & Meditation Kit - 7 Chakra Sets: Engraved Symbols Stones, Healing Cards, Essential Oil Blends, Scented Candles, Selenite Crystal
Chakra Healing Altar & Meditation Kit - 7 Chakra Sets: Engraved Symbols Stones, Healing Cards, Essential Oil Blends, Scented Candles, Selenite Crystal
Chakra Healing Altar & Meditation Kit - 7 Chakra Sets: Engraved Symbols Stones, Healing Cards, Essential Oil Blends, Scented Candles, Selenite Crystal
Chakra Healing Altar & Meditation Kit - 7 Chakra Sets: Engraved Symbols Stones, Healing Cards, Essential Oil Blends, Scented Candles, Selenite Crystal


Chakra Healing Altar & Meditation Kit - 7 Chakra Sets: Engraved Symbols Stones, Healing Cards, Essential Oil Blends, Scented Candles, Selenite Crystal

Deep Healing Light
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This is the ultimate Chakra Healing Altar and Meditation Kit since it includes many of our most loved items in one concise and extremely affordable kit!!

Deep Healing Light’s, 'Chakra Healing Altar and Meditation Kit', includes powerful tools and resources to help anyone welcome higher healing energy into their altar or meditation space, or any space desired.

Chakra Healing: Alter and Meditation Kit

This kit includes 7 sets of chakra healing products with a very unique altar base that makes it easy to display the chakra symbol engraved palm stone, a selenite clearing crystal, an essential oil, a Chakra Healing card and a Stone ID card, along with a chakra scented candle that can set in front. This altar base can be set up very quickly to help create a focus on a specific energy or chakra.

Sold separately, these items would cost over $75, but this uniquely designed and packaged gift makes this an attractive and affordable option for any meditation or alter area.

This energy raising kit is based upon working with a persons chakra and auric energy. The place you choose to meditate or choose to setup your alter or temple, will work best for you when you do things or place things there that will add to the higher energy of that space.

The items provided in this Healing Energy Altar and Meditation Kit are very useful in helping you create this higher energy space and is very useful when performing Reiki on yourself or others.

Each kit is infused with Spiritual Support, including the Archangel, Ascended Master or Chohan of the Ray associated with that color and chakra. Whether using this for yourself, a client, or giving as a gift, you can be confident that healing energy is already right there.

A profound healing experience is just a few clicks away.

Created by Personal Growth Coach, author and Reiki Master Practitioner, David Nelmes, these kits are part of his Chakra Healing Kit product line

The kit includes:

  • 7 chakra focused essential oil blends
  • 7 chakra symbol engraved crystals/stones
  • 7 Stone ID cards
  • 7 chakra scented tee-lite candles
  • 7 chakra healing cards
  • 1 selenite energy clearing crystal
  • 1 "Galaxy Blue" altar base for holding a chakra healing card, essential oil, selenite crystal, engraved stone and stone ID card

The Chakra Colored and HIGH Quality candle scents are:
  • Root Chakra - Patchouli
  • Sacral Chakra - Jasmine
  • Solar Plexus Chakra - Lemongrass
  • Heart Chakra - Ylang Ylang
  • Throat Chakra - Eucalyptus
  • Third Eye Chakra - Rosemary
  • Crown Chakra - Lavender

The Set of 100% Natural Chakra Stones Includes:
  • Milky Amethyst (Crown Chakra - Sahasrara)
  • Lapis Lazuli (Third-eye Chakra - Ajna)
  • Blue Aventurine (Throat Chakra - Vishudda)
  • Green Aventurine (Heart Chakra - Anahata)
  • Tiger's Eye (Solar Plexus chakra - Manipura)
  • Carnelian (Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana)
  • Red Jasper (Root Chakra - Muladhara)

Because these stones are 100% natural, there will be noticeable differences between sets. Size Approx +-10%: 1.2x1.0x0.3inch or (30x26x7mm).

UPC 3273924172659