The FREE 2 chapters version has moved
Please follow this link to register for the free version or pay $1.00 to view it here.
This 38-page, (2) Chapter Sample includes teachings that are designed to trigger your ability to open your mind and spirit to reveal a clearer perception of yourself and open you for healing and improved connection to spirit.
Just 20 minutes a day for two weeks will begin a journey that can and will transform your life. You will eventually do this someday. Why not now?
You can start the course for $1 today and begin a journey that can and will transform your life. The first two lessons are $1, so this is something you can simply choose to start right now. This course originally sold for $35 but was reformatted into book form so that it is very affordable to anyone looking to work on their spirituality.
All healing is the result of allowing errors to be undone. Since we are all perfect creations in our true form, our perception of our existence here is simply an error in how we have accepted ourselves. By seeing ourselves more clearly for who we really are, healing takes place. This 12-step course helps you remember and discover a clearer perception of yourself, and this will open your spirit and mind so you can bring about inner healing on your own.

To help you work into this gradually and most effectively, this e-mail-based course is broken into 12 daily sessions. Each session digs deeper into providing methods and ideas that will help you gain a greater capacity to free yourself of many of your current limitations of mind and will lead you on a path to daily discovery, growth, and inner healing.
- Does the idea of opening more to spirit resonate with you?
- Are you open to exploring yourself a bit deeper to find the answers you have been looking for?
If so, these lessons will teach you How To:
Find/Create Your Quiet Space
Insights and ideas on setting up a quiet place to meditate and pray.
Settle Your Thoughts and Relax
Training on quieting your mind and releasing your thoughts.
Clear Your Energy and Chakras
First, learn to restore your own energy flow.
Connect with Your Guides, Ascended Masters and Angels
See how to connect with spirit and the benefits of doing so.
Accept Yourself as Being Worthy
Learn to set your ego aside and see yourself as does your creator
Release Bindings, Bonds, Agreements, And Contracts
We're all tied up. get insights and lessons on how to release unhelpful things.
Release Your Guilt and Fear
See how guilt and fear are binding and learn to release them.
Hand Over Your Thoughts to (Holy) Spirit for Correction
A mind is a terrible thing to fill with unhelpful thoughts. Learn how to undo this.
Follow The Threads of Your Thoughts
Learn the deeper reasons behind why you do what you do, and find healing.
Release Entanglements and Cords
Your energy gets twisted in with so many things. Learn how to set things straight.
Open Your Mind, Be Quiet, Listen, And Receive Guidance
It's all about being open and finding focus. Learn how to get there yourself.
Extend Love, Light, and Healing
The Deep Healing Light that initiates all miracles is inside you. Time to let it out.
See Step #1 - Creating a Quiet Time and Space - YouTube Video
Each lesson builds on the previous lesson and gradually teaches you and guides you towards a place where you open more and allow more, with a potential result of you allowing yourself to be a channel for healing.
Most lessons take less than 20 minutes to read. However, extra time during and after the lesson will be necessary to carry out any suggested exercises. The general format for each lesson includes the following information:
- Lesson material for the specific topic of the day
- A task for the day to place the new ideas into action
- A helpful quote for gaining further insight
- Occasional links to helpful items
Once complete, you can use these sessions in whole or in part as a template for how you interact with spirit for the rest of your life or until a clearer direction or perception presents itself. Nothing is changeless, so even what I teach here is simply what I know is best at this time. So, this is a wonderful place for you to start and evolve into what works best for you.
You can start the course for $1 today and begin a journey that can and will transform your life. The first two lessons are $1, so this is something you can simply choose to start right now. This course originally sold for $35 but was reformatted into book form so that it is very affordable to anyone looking to work on their spirituality.
Peace and Blessings. Namaste.